Friday, September 30, 2016

Forum Week 1: Questions!!


Hi Rob!! You know me from last year so I shouldn't have to explain too much ;) My major at the moment is Communications.. which possibly an emphasis on Public Relations? I'm still not quite sure if that is what I want to pursue, but I find the subject very interesting.. I've always been interested in media and celebrities and watching interviews of celebrities. For example I enjoy watching interviews on the Jimmy Fallon show. I took this class because I like photography and taking pictures and I feel like it would be a fun/interesting class for me to take.


-Three goals I have for this class would one, to get a better understanding of photography. I'd like to be able to get knowledge of what the different aspects of photography are... as far as details and different frames to use when taking photos.
-My second goal would be to learn how to edit and use photoshop!! When I opened the Adobe Bridge and had no idea even where to begin.
-My third goal would be to leave this class with a better sense of what makes a photo awesome! Is it the angle? The lighting?

-As far as taking news photos related to the school, good subjects would be to take pictures of sports: Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball. I feel like sports are one of the main things that interest people and would be a good topic to get people to pick up the paper!
- Another interesting idea I had would be to take a picture of the editors in the Commuter office while they are on the job... I think it would make for an interesting picture. Get the creators of the paper in the paper!
-A third idea would be to get pictures of when it's time for Midterms. See the students in action and studying!

Week 1 Forum: Pictures

Overall picture:

Mural on the activity center at LBCC. This was taken at the inauguration for the mural on Wednesday, September 28th.

Medium picture: Mural artist Rip Cronk looks over, and is signing a  poster of his work, with admirerers examining and discussing alongside him.

Close up: Volleyball player Samantha Rouleau stands in front of her mural at LBCC.